Redirecting you to BearMac Studios: First Real Post


Thursday, January 26, 2012

First Real Post

Today I installed my new HDD alongside my much smaller HDD. I now have a lot of space allowing me to continue my gameplay videos, and start a series of tutorials, they will be unique in that I won't know any of it until I plan out my tutorial so you guys will learn along with me. Other things I would consider posting are IT videos, I am certified to maintain computers, software and hardware so these would be simple and upon request.
Also just a quick bio about me;
On the internet I go by many names: Mactinite, TheMackNT, Mactinite77, and Hunter, but my real name is actually Hunter. I am a high school student, class of 2012, I am CompTIA A+ Certified, I have taken it upon myself to learn programming in the game engine and development tool Unity. I will be programming in Unityscript, which is basically javascript in the Unity engine, but I'm assuming if you've found yourself here that you'll know what it is and you'll be learning a little bit from me, and possibly I will learn from you. If you're looking for handouts then I will be posting scripts, and links to great forums and resources I am a member of, or I get my learning materials from.
If you read all of this I want to say thanks!

If you thought tl;dr....
I said Hi my name is Hunter, Tutorials, Scripts, and Resources here. Also Computer help!


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