Redirecting you to BearMac Studios: January 2012


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Intro To My First Tutorial!

I'll upload the full scripts after the second part, maybe a project file. Let me know what you guys think and what direction I should go next. Thanks!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Just a Quick Update

For anyone that's reading; I just want to say that The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, despite its bugs, is the greatest culmination of video game genres ever put forth to this world. Just a little something I wanted to say before I went into this
I am in the very early development process of my game. I want to combine genres to make something unique. I'm a big fan of the survival horror genre, as well as puzzle solving and platforming. And based on the premise of "keep it simple, stupid" it's not going to be have in controls or mechanics besides natural ones. I also don't want to frustrate the player. I'm not going to confuse difficulty with near impossibility. So if anyone reads this, I would really appreciate your input on what I should do. So please comment and tell me what you think. Have a great night guys.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Lots of Great Stuff

A great website to look at is armed unity they have some great stuff but where they really shine is in the forums, with free resources and tutorials, including OMA's FPS kit. A lot of learning opportunities as well as stuff that'll work without any knowledge of scripting. The community itself works together in improving the kit to better meet your needs. So go ahead and make an account. It's worth it.

Quick help with understanding UnityScript

In a UnityScript script you will see something like this :
gameObject.GetComponents("MyScript").BooleanVariable = true;

Now for the people who look at that like "wtf?"
Here's a simple way to understand that;
Say I need Unity to find my computer and turn the power buttton to on, in a Java or UnityScript environment I would tell unity
MyHouse.MyRoom.Desk.Computer.PowerButton = on;

So to access a script named PowerButton on a gameobject named computer and change the Boolean variable powerButton to an on state we'd approach it like this;
GameObject.Find("computer").GetComponent("PowerButton").powerButton = true;

I saw this explanation awhile ago and it really helped me teach myself how make things happen in Unity.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sprint Script

Just a little script that makes the default FPS controller in unity have a sprint function.

//Sprinting with the default fpscontroller in Unity 3.0

var sprintSpeed : float = 15;
var defaultSpeed : float = 10;

//sets default run speed
function Start () {
 GetComponent(CharacterMotor).movement.maxForwardSpeed = defaultSpeed;
//When the sprint button is pressed, change speed to sprint
function Update () {
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Sprint")){
  GetComponent(CharacterMotor).movement.maxForwardSpeed = sprintSpeed;
//When the sprint button is let up, change back to walk speed
if (Input.GetButtonUp("Sprint")){
 GetComponent(CharacterMotor).movement.maxForwardSpeed = defaultSpeed;

First Real Post

Today I installed my new HDD alongside my much smaller HDD. I now have a lot of space allowing me to continue my gameplay videos, and start a series of tutorials, they will be unique in that I won't know any of it until I plan out my tutorial so you guys will learn along with me. Other things I would consider posting are IT videos, I am certified to maintain computers, software and hardware so these would be simple and upon request.
Also just a quick bio about me;
On the internet I go by many names: Mactinite, TheMackNT, Mactinite77, and Hunter, but my real name is actually Hunter. I am a high school student, class of 2012, I am CompTIA A+ Certified, I have taken it upon myself to learn programming in the game engine and development tool Unity. I will be programming in Unityscript, which is basically javascript in the Unity engine, but I'm assuming if you've found yourself here that you'll know what it is and you'll be learning a little bit from me, and possibly I will learn from you. If you're looking for handouts then I will be posting scripts, and links to great forums and resources I am a member of, or I get my learning materials from.
If you read all of this I want to say thanks!

If you thought tl;dr....
I said Hi my name is Hunter, Tutorials, Scripts, and Resources here. Also Computer help!


Youtube/ Short Introduction

This is my youtube account where I have game play and tutorials related to game design.

Mactinite's Youtube

So I'm starting this to show some people what I learn as I learn it and to see and critique my development process.