Redirecting you to BearMac Studios: February 2012


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Disco Update video #1

Just and update for project Disco! Tell me what you guys think!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Some Fixes!

So today I decided to sit down and take a look at the game, and I found out.... you can't really lose! What fun is that!? So I added a way for you to die. It's not a huge thing if you lose, it just restarts the level you're on. So just adds a little more point to the game. On a side note, I sat down really quick and I added random load screens so you get something different (almost) every time! Just wanted to throw a post up real quick so thanks!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

New features added!

So today I took a look at what I said I was going to add to the game and I added some stuff. First and foremost I implemented a save game function, now as soon as you get to a level it automatically saves your progress. I'm not going to make it to where it loads you up to exactly where you were, they're not huge puzzles, so that would be kind of pointless (Check point system? maybe?). I added some music at the title screen from It's just a placeholder until I can actually get something composed for it later. I also added a custom mesh, nothing too fancy, just a hexagon with a "rocky" feel to it. I'm starting to form my opinion on where we'll be going with this next as far as artistically. We'll see where that goes. It's going to be story driven, but not your contemporary story that's for sure (humorous?). I also added a loading screen, it's not a scene that I put in between each level scene, but a texture that I fill to the screen right before a scene loads. So just wanted to do a quick update. I know I'm filling you guys up on text, but I'm going to have another video up soon! Tutorial or Demo? We'll see!

I added a new page to the blog dedicated to scripts! Any scripts I upload in the future will be there!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Future Features!

This has been keeping me up all night, so just to get my thoughts down I'm going to write this out.
What I plan to add in the near future:

  • Save System
  • Point System, or Story line?
  • More Puzzle types
  • Rigid body movement?
  • switches and what not
The thing that's been keeping me up has been the save system. I have a sort of Idea of how to tackle this, but here it goes. I'm going to use the playerprefs class to save an integer, this integer will be directly linked to the level completed. So by this method I will be saving only one variable, and in between maps. For instance;

Player clicks "Load Game"> Level Completed variable = 2 > load second level. 
Player clicks "Load Game">Level Completed variable = 0 or null > Display message "No Game Started"

My problem is that I don't want a million loading screens for every time in between levels, so I need a variable that won't change in between levels and every time a level is completed it will add one to the Level Completed variable which is saved by the playerprefs class, but I'm getting tired so now my brain is wandering to new problems that didn't exist before, and probably won't exist in the morning. So I say to everyone reading. Goodnight, and also, thanks. ;)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Pre-demo Update

So before I showed a demo video I wanted to add more to the game. So here's just a brief overview of what I added:

  • Footstep Sounds (Randomly played from array)
  • Jump Sounds(Random)
  • Rushing wind effect when falling at high speeds
  • Title Menu
  • Pause Menu
  • Reset Level button
  • Better power-up pick up physics
  • Last but not least, an objective!
So those are just a few of the things I have added over the past couple of hours, hopefully sometime during the week I can get a little demo uploaded to my youtube, but for now keep an eye out for it on my youtube channel!


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Pause Menu Tutorial!

Here it is guys! I'll be uploading our Demo here soon, so keep an eye out for that! Thanks to all of you that watch!

Pause Menu Script!

Here's a script that's extremely similar to the main menu script. It's for the pause menu in the tutorial that's on YouTube right now!

var menuHeight:float=500;
var menuWidth:float=500;
var buttonSpacing:float=25;
var mainMenu: String = "MainMenu";
var titleTexture:Texture2D;
var customSkin:GUISkin;
var customStyle:GUIStyle;

function OnGUI(){ = customSkin;
if(GUILayout.Button("Main Menu")){
if(GUILayout.Button("Exit to Desktop")){

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Codename:Disco UPDATE!!!

Heres some more screenshots of our new project. It's in alpha as of now. lets call it version

We have an exit! it does nothing.

Showcasing the ammo block (It's actually a sphere). Give you 10 Platform Blocks (PB).

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Here's some screenshots of our new project: Codename : Disco

From the bottom

Top of the test level!

the white box is the "cursor" It's where the platforms will spawn. I also have thrust blocks implemented, I will be showing these in a video later on.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Codename: disco

We had an executive decision to start a smaller project before continuing the horror project. So here's the concept. Its super simple. It's from the first person perspective and is a puzzle platformer. Simple so far right?  Well you have the ability to spawn different blocks in front of you with a limited number of each (exceptions?). We should be able to get a demo video out soon. (End of the week) but it won't be until after I release the next tutorial. So subscribe and stay tuned for our first project. Remember we are always looking for people to include.if you have some suggestion or a way to help shoot me a message on YouTube or comment on these posts! Thank you to all of you that are watching us and thank you to the people that will be watching us!
Here are some pictures to illustrate thought. 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Hello to our Current and Future Audience

Hey guys, I'm HARDKOREbear, or the "Bear" in BearMac Studios..... You can just call me Tyler though. As I'm sure you all know by now, we are trying to start our own Video Game Design Company and I'm the main writer with maybe some coding and level design to come. Once I learn it. I'm sure you also know that we use Unity 3d as our Engine. We are using the free version as of  now and will probably be getting the payed version soon enough, along with the Android Engine. So, there was my introduction. If you guys are interested, please follow. And if you want to learn some basic coding for Unity now and advanced coding later down the road, be sure to follow TheMackNT on youtube. He's got some really good stuff. I'll be uploading the script for the preface of our Puzzle Horror Game codenamed Blizzard here in the next few days. So be sure to follow us if you want to read it.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Woah! two videos in one day!

I uploaded another video today. it's a tutorial. great learning experience. You guys must think I'm crazy with two videos within the same day! so take a look and enjoy! I'll be uploading the full script as soon as we get it finished! if you comment and stuff like that it encourages me to continue my work and it helps me out a lot!

New Project!

Here's an extremely small demo of our first project. it's just a couple hours of work. I learned a lot by making this, and  I will be making a tutorial on the Time class in unity. Let me know what you think and throw requests out there if you can! Thanks!

Oh yeah and the sounds are all from
Great place to go for, well, free sounds! Go ahead and check that out and if you'd like anymore info post a comment on here or on youtube!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


So I made a little something in after effects, this will be the intro to all of our demo videos and my tutorials.
If I can get enough people to take a look and comment on the video, perhaps I'll upload a template? or a tutorial of some sort. Well here it is anyways;

Check out my Youtube: TheMackNT
If you could please comment, like, favorite, subscribe, or just watch some videos it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Tutorial Part 3

Here it is guys, check it out. I hope you all learned a little. I sure did. tell me where I should go next!

Quick Update

I'm going to be making another video tonight! It'll be up soon! but in the meantime, why don't you guys check out my channel. If you guys have any suggestions on where I should go next with this it'd be great to hear from the few of you (the very few). So comment here or on my channel, either way I will get it and I will reply ASAP! thanks guys!

YouTube :  TheMackNT

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Main Menu

Here's the main menu script. Take a look, ask any questions in the comments.

//mainmenu.js by mactinite 
//Simple main menu
var areaHeight : float= 200;
var areaWidth : float= 200;
var layoutCenter : float = 100;
var firstLevel : String = "First";
var buttonSpacing : float = 25;
var customSkin : GUISkin;
var layoutStyle : GUIStyle;
var textureTop : Texture2D;
function OnGUI(){ = customSkin;
 if(GUILayout.Button("Start Game")){

Tutorial Part 2

In this we start our script for the main menu on a blank scene. Everything from here on out will move pretty quickly and smoothly. Just wait for the next episode coming soon, and the pre-made MainMenu script will be uploaded shortly after this post. Feel free to use it, it's not too complex so you don't need to give credit, though it would be nice ;)

Looking For....

So we are making BearMac Studios, but there is a problem. We need a 3D/2D artist and Sound designer. We don't need someone to the full capability, what we're looking for is someone who can do these things now, then refine them as we refine our skills. Post a comment below if you're interested, or send me an email! I hope we can find someone! We can't pay money, yet, but we can guarantee you a spot in the credits, and a share of the profits(if any). Thanks guys!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The title screen  for my new project, it's a zombie from the unity asset store falling into a spot light....
The camera has a wavering animation ping-ponged and looped. It's all in Slow-Motion with Rain falling. In the background some ethereal piano is playing, along with the sound of rain falling....
Let me know what you guys think! Video soon!